Central Temple Of CHWH On Earth
Nov. 19, 2020
The Book of Hebrews is really the book of Igbo to me since Hebrew is a translation of the word Igbo? Now Does each book name have a translation in the original language please?
Michael Okoroagha: You mean it is translated in igbo?
Steven Jermicheal Kelley: Well yes cause we learn Igbo names have meanings, right?
HEE : through Sophia
That's not what she actually means. I will help a little. She is asking about a very important matter. But the answer is capital 'No'.
Though with the exception of the Torah or (nduora=immortal-life-book/leaf)>(ora is an immortal TREE amongst the Hebrews) we mean to say TREE OF LIFE when we say 'Nduorah' or 'TORAH'. The ancient people were chased away from it(TREE OF LIFE) for the reason of disobedience.
The old testament was revealed and written by HIbo ancestors in a text that was all consonant based called chbd/sbd with only 12 letters.
The TORAH or Nduorah started with 'okike- uwa'(world creation)later by europeans changed into (Genesis) written(revealed) in a book called mistakenly by oral-traditional in ancient 'Odoziobodo' religion as 'mkpo-oha>(nduora)-okike-uwa'. something almost even forgotten by now and unknown by almost all present ibos.
The above name was the first lost book revealed to a man called Nnauwa or Nnaoha(noah) odueze see Genesis 9all..
The name 'ODUM-EZE' is the source of the name 'adam-eve', just remove the vowels. ANCIENT proof recorded in audio gramophone plate in a song that is classified as a taboo exists.
Don't forget that 'okike' also is part of 'AHAYA' which Most Holy Name with the HIbos is (CHWH-okike) = (JHWH-possessor/creator of the whole world). Remember rendering: that's how ancient people liked Melchizedek and ABiAM(a) ABrAM(a) called TMHCHi.
see Genesis 14:18-20
Moreover the book called Hebrew in the New Testament was written by Europeans(they from Rome salute you>code) to mock HIbos and their ancient revealed ways and usages. It worked. See chapter 10 of it.
It was a continuation of what happened in Judea among our remnants there, who were chased into Ethiopia(wilderness or mountains) in 700 AD(not 70 AD).
See MATT.24all > The prophecy of the campaign to SET-UP and make desolate(preponderance) on earth for its commercial value, the abominations(denominations) which suspends the Hebrew daily sacrifices spoken of by prophet Daniel in 12.11. "From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days."
Many shall rise and call themselves CHRIST-Like not 'CHRIST'. But your key to decode this dark speech or parable meant for few is 'many deceiving many'.