June 4, 2022



(that which originated from above) Igboism{Hebrewism}) 



(that which originated from below) (animism/Agwuism)!

These are animists and heathens!

They shouldn't mention Igboism(Hebrewism) again

because Igboism(Hebrewism) is #Odinelu

and not their odinala!

For over 10thousand years, Igbos(ancient_people: Isaiah 47'6KJV and 44'7 KJV) returned from Arsareth(Sahara Desert), remnants of a rebellious group in our midst continued to fight CHWH and HIS oracles(commandments) because they and their children left Odinelu or Igboism or Hebrewism (ancient way of the HEBREWS Hebows Hibos Ibos Igbos NdiGboos Nigoos Negroes Nigers Negus firstborn of CHWH Okike Abiama Jeremiah 31'9KJV) and swore that they will never abandon odinala(ways of Baphomet/Agwuishi/Ikenga) for Odinelu(ways of CHWH which art in heaven{binigwe})!

"anyi agarapu omenani(odinala: the worshiping of Baphomet(Agwuishi or Agwuikenga)

wee mewe omenenu(Odinelu: the keeping of the laws of heaven)? They asked their foolish selves!

Many of them took the names of agwu(Baphomet: ruler/strength of this world (Ikenga) such as in #umu_agwu as opposed to the loyal Igbo names which are names derived from CHWH's commandments that Hebrews Eboes should name themselves after HIMSELF!

Names such as:

  • Umu-CHWH(children of God Almighty) 
  • Nwa-CHWH(child of God Almighty) 
  • Onu-CHWH(words of God Almighty) 
  • Aka-CHWH(hands of God Almighty) 
  • Iwu-CHWH(laws of God Almighty) 
  • Uka-CHWH(words of God Almighty)
  • Okwu-CHWH(words of God Almighty) 
  • Ude-CHWH(beauty/awes of God Almighty) 
  • Obi-CHWH(tabernacle of God Almighty) 
  • OsuJHi(osu-CHWH) (slave/servant of God Almighty) 
  • OkparaJHi(Okpara-CHWH)(firstborn of God Almighty) 
  • NneCHi(Nne-CHWH) (mother God Almighty) 
  • NnaJHi(nnaCHi/nna-CHWH )(father God Almighty)

Now, these are all ancient Igbo sure-names more than 10,000 years in use after the ancient commandment:

Numbers 6:27 KJV

And they shall put my name CHWH upon all the children of Ezelu/EZraelu/iZrael/king of heaven), and I will bless them.

But the opposite of the names above do these heathens call themselves and their children! 

They call themselves even to this very day:

Okparagwu instead of OkparaJHi(Okparachi) 

Many of these odinala people took the abominable name: osuagwu instead of osuJHi or osuchi!

Today Hebrewism(Igboism) is reestablished and you still find these confused lots with the same old dead omenani(odinala) or animist ideologies that have held them down for ages!

Every time you do a new thing but yet, it's in the same old ways you knew, you will never change!

No one does the same old things in their usual same old ways and expects new outcomes!

Churchianity, Judaism, and Islamism could be argued to be a form of Odinelu/Odinenu and did not work for our people except for the pastors(Babylonians gatekeepers of our land) who sucker their brethren into serving foreign gods such as Jehovah, Yahweh, and Allah... Yes!

Why will they work for you, see you are the Hebrews?

The gentiles(Babylonians) who brought back the lost way in their edited Bible versions were not qualified to understand its content... Daniel 12'4&9 KJV moreover it is an abomination for gentiles to teach Hebrews Eboes Iboes Igbos anything about God Almighty of Abram (CHWH Okike Abiama) in the first place!