WHY DO YOU HATE YOUR SELF (O’Ephraim/Oferemiri/Eferemiri:Those who have crossed over waters/iZrael)

•Was it NOT your CAPTORS and SLAVE MASTER’S who taught you that you were GENTILE heathens in the land of your CAPTIVITY, via the false Doctrines through thier own misinterpretation and mis-transliteration of the Instruction manuals Bible, Quran, Torah, and  Tanach???

The Bible, Which is the Ndourah (Life Tree, wrongly transcribed to Torah: Tree of life) belongs to the Hebrews Hebows Hibows Ibos Igbos; it can only be understood and unsealed by the Hebrews…

• Was it NOT those EUROPEANS the synagogue of Satan who have become JEWS, that are not HEBREWS HEBOWS HIBOWS IBOS [N’D’IGBO (Ancient People Isa 44’7)], who has stolen you’re IDENTITY and are PRETENDING to be you???

• Why have you become of naught, and excepted your ENEMIES Proverbs and Bywords (Psalms 83:3-4) surnames of such: African American, Moor, Muslim, Christian, Nigger, iSrael, YiSrael, Jew, Black, Blood, Crip, Gangster, thug, Outlaws, Gentile, Judah, Hatian, Jamaican, and etc and etc.,???

Psalms 83:3-5 KJV

3: They have taken crafty counsel against thy Ancient People (N’D’IGBO), and consulted against thy HIDDEN ones.

4: They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of {HEBREW HEBOW HIBO IBO IGBO} IZRAEL (EZELU: meaning,KING OF HEAVEN) maybe no more in (REMEMBRANCE)…

5: For they have consulted together with one consent: they are CONFEDERATE against thee…

Slow and feeble minds will NEVER grasps this knowledge, because it is YOU who will REMAIN a SELLOUT COON, destined to be Destroyed in the land of your CAPTIVITY in Amerkkka (Babylon) only to fulfill the prophecy in (Isaiah 1:3) who will NEVER see the land of our Ancestors Ancient Izrael in the Garden of Anedo (Land of Gold; Eden/Paradise).

• WE DO WEEP FOR YOU, BECAUSE WE KNOW THAT YOU HATE YOU’RE MASTER’S CRIB, as a excile who will NEVER return to see his native COUNTRY (Jeremiah 22:10)…

A (IGBO/Hebrew) who will not CONSIDER his masters CRIB…

Isaiah 1:3 KJV

3: The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s crib: but iSrael (iZrael/Ephraim/Efferemiri) my people,doth not CONSIDER…

Jeremiah 22:10 KJV

10: Weep ye not for the dead, neither bemoan him: but WEEP sore for him that goeth away (exciled): for he shall return no more, nor SEE his native COUNTRY (NIGER-AREA)…

Why do you hate yourself???

Meaning: you HATE being who YOU were a PERCULIAR TREASURE a nation of Priest and Priestess, King’s and Queens, who once ruled the Earth under the OoM (Order of Melchizedek) because YOU kept the (COVENANT AGREEMENT) of the Ancient of days CHWH JHWH YHWH Okike Abiama (Exodus 19:5-6)…

Exodus 19:5 KJV

5: Now therefore, if ye will OBEY my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a PECULIAR TREASURE unto me above all people: for all the EARTH is mine:

6: And ye shall be unto me a Kingdom of Priests, and an holy nation. These are the WORDS WHICH THOU SHALT SPEAK UNTO THE Children of iZrael(Umu Ezelu: Children of the king of Heaven)…

It is quite obvious that all of  you’re Amerkkkan (Babylonian) Christian Churchanity Camp Religious israelite leaders Generals, Deacons, and Bishops who are all off brand Pastors, are PRACTICING CHURCHANITY doctrines; has decieved you and Don’t have the Knowledge of our Urim Priest HEE who is ordained in the OoM (Order of Melchizedek) where the only  priesthood of the Hebrews is located on the Rivers Ethiope and Niger (Zephaniah 3:10;note: not the Rivers Ethiopia, Ethiopia there is referring to a continent ) at Anedogates Sanctuaries who will teach you how to become a Nze (Nze-rite/Nazarite) through the Ancient Nyosa ritual CODIFIED IN Numbers chapter 6.

What the Religous leader’s failed to inform you, is that you NEED a Priesthood in order to become a Nation of Priest and Priestess, which is the way of the OoM (Order of Melchizedek) the TRUTH of (Igboism/Hebrewism) that was CAST DOWN (Daniel 8:12) by our Captors and Enemies (EUROPEAN KHAZARIAN JEWS)

Zephaniah 3:10 KJV

10: From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia (Ethiope or Niger means black) my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed (chased away from middle Earth), shall (return and) and bring mine Offering.

Daniel 8:12 KJV

12: And and host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the TRUTH of (Igboism/Hebrewism) to the ground; and the (LIE) it PRACTISED, and PROSPERED.

• Now for the Edification of those who TRULY thirst after RIGHTEOUSNESS, you have been outsmarted and outwitted by the FALSE PROPHETS of Baal worshippers who has decieved you into BELIEVING  Europeanism which is (CHURCHANITY/Aro si Rome: Abomination from Rome) that teaches you that our king Ihe’Chi’Uwa (iESUA:Light of CHi to the world) died on a CROSS (rather he was murdered by being lynched) for your SINS, to be FORGIVEN!!!

• Truly shows that you TRUSTED in lies and false doctrines of your SLAVE MASTER’S (EUROPEAN KHAZARIAN JEWS) because, YOU truly BELIEVED IN THE FABRICATED, DEFORMED instructions of your manuals Bible, Torah  in John 4:22, that SALVATION was of the EUROPEAN KHAZARIAN JEWS, who are the synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9-3:9) you’re SINS are NOT forgiven!!!

So all of your CARES and CONCERNS Should be on Learning or knowing how are OUR SINS forgiven, since Nze IHE’CHI’UWA death doesn’t save us. Now you SEE why you NEED the Priesthood to make  SACRIFICES for the atonement of SINS, who are rightfully in the OoM (Order of Melchizedek) to teach you the Ancient ways of (Igboism/Hebrewism) and the Ritual of our forefathers Abiama (Abraham), Chikobu (Jacob), and iSiaku (Issac) Nyosa Which is the ONLY WAY FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS (2 Chronicles 7:14)…

2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV

14: If my ancient People (ndIGBOo), whose children are all called by my name (CHi this and CHi that; iZrael/Ezelu:King of heaven), shall humble themselves [in OBEDIENCE to my law(DECALOGUE)], and [enter into your room] seek truly  my face again, and turn from all thier wicked ways [Through the NYOSA ritual]… Then will I hear from Oriona (Heaven), and will forgive all thier sins (grant them mercy and goodness) and I will heal (Restore) thier land…


NYOSA is the key TOO RIGHT all you’re WRONGS!!!





I am Nze Jeremy Bold who has awoken to the hidden TRUTH of (Igboism/Hebrewism) who’s forefathers were stolen from [Igboland/Hebrewland/Negroland] according to the PROPHECY in (Dueteronomy 28:48,49,68) TRANSATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE where the Ancient of Days CHWH JHWH YHWH Okike Abiama has left a landmark and historical site of my Ancestors Ancient Izrael from the house of (Ephraim/Efferemiri) the first born child (Jeremiah 31:9) of the Northern Kingdom, in Amerkkka at Igbolanding Glynn county Georgia Dunn Bar Creek, St.Simons island 1803… https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/igbo-landing-mass-suicide-1803/